Futures Boost? Ether Looks Up on 11-Week High

Futures Boost? Ether Looks Up on 11-Week High

With talk of a possible derivatives market on the way, the price of ether, ethereum's native token, looks to be on the rise.
Even Investors with Access Want ICO Presale Reform

Even Investors with Access Want ICO Presale Reform

Many agree that the now-commonplace ICO presale to public sale process is too compressed and goes against the funding method's original intent.
The Gentrification of ICOs Is Underway

The Gentrification of ICOs Is Underway

The ICO neighborhood, so to speak, is cleaning up, though University of Dublin's Paul Ennis suggests this may not exactly be a future to fear.
First Long-Term LedgerX Bitcoin Option Pegs Price at $10,000

First Long-Term LedgerX Bitcoin Option Pegs Price at $10,000

The first ever LedgerX long-term bitcoin futures option pegs the cryptocurrency price at $10,000 by next December.
Millions Gone? Broker Takes Fire for Bitcoin Cash Freeze

Millions Gone? Broker Takes Fire for Bitcoin Cash Freeze

Bitcoin cash's big ups and downs have had market impacts far and wide, while showcasing the nascent nature of the crypto sector as a whole.
No Fork, No Fire: Segwit2x Nodes Stall Running Abandoned Bitcoin Code

No Fork, No Fire: Segwit2x Nodes Stall Running Abandoned Bitcoin Code

The Segwit2x bitcoin fork may have been formally called off, but as many as 150 nodes still running its code have stopped accepting transaction blocks
ICOs on Our Terms and Conditions

ICOs on Our Terms and Conditions

How to structure token sales that comply with securities laws open participation to a diverse range of purchasers and enhance value for all involved.
Gox ICO? CEO Karpeles Floats Token Sale to Revive Bitcoin Exchange

Gox ICO? CEO Karpeles Floats Token Sale to Revive Bitcoin Exchange

A Mt Gox initial coin offering (ICO)? It's not that much of a far-fetched idea, according to the defunct bitcoin exchange's controversial CEO.
Millions Gone? Broker Takes Fire for Bitcoin Cash Trading Freeze

Millions Gone? Broker Takes Fire for Bitcoin Cash Trading Freeze

Bitcoin cash's big ups and downs have had market impacts far and wide, while showcasing the nascent nature of the crypto sector as a whole.
UBS CIO: We Aren’t Getting Involved With Bitcoin

UBS CIO: We Aren’t Getting Involved With Bitcoin

UBS chief investment officer Mark Haefele says the world's largest money manager will not include bitcoin investments.